Haven Skate Park

We'll have a live video feed here so you can see a little bit of what's going on when the park is open. Be patient - we'll work on getting it running as soon as we're open. For now, check out our animated tour.

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Here are some videos from Haven Skate Park, of Haven Skate Park regulars, or videos we just thought were awesome.

Got one you want to send? Upload it to YouTube, and send a link to info@havenskatepark.com. If we like it, we'll post it here. Try to keep it PG-13.

Local Exposure Day 3, courtesy http://thecomeupbmx.net.

Ultra Hot Haven Skatepark Nutmeg Action, by Day One Skate Shop

CT Park, by !!! Jamaican !!

Haven Skate Park, by WeJustDontCare.com